August 9, 2025 *Registration OPEN*
Washington, North Carolina
August 9, 2025 *Registration OPEN*
Washington, North Carolina
THIS YEARS 12 & 24 HOUR EVENT WILL HAVE TRACKING SERVICES PROVIDED BY ADVENTURE ENABLERS. ALL TRACKERS WILL BE GIVEN OUT THE MORNING OF THE EVENT AT THE MAIN STAGE. ***All trackers must be turned in immediately following your event or sooner should you choose. This will avoid potential charges for the device.
Friday 8/8/25, 5-7pm
Event Staging Area
400 Slataestone Road
Saturday 5:30am-7am
Washington High School
Start / Finish Area
Start Time
12/24 @ 7am
100 Miler and Non Comp @ 7:30am
We feature a non drafting 24 hour RAAM qualifier race and a drafting 12 hour race, along with a 100 Mile Race. A non competitive century ride is also an option for those looking to enjoy a more leisurely pace.
The 25 mile loop will take you through rural areas of Beaufort County. We are located in the coastal region of North Carolina. This is an extremely flat course! It is the perfect venue for riders that are self supported. You are allowed to park your vehicle inside the secure "Bus" parking lot. This is what serves as the Start/Finish line, you will pass by the time check after each lap. So feel free to set up your supplies for the day. There is a grassy area that you can set up a canopy for your crew as well. On site setup is to begin no earlier than 5am on day of event and must be removed by 10am the following morning. Online registration is available at BikeReg.com. We also offer CashApp, text 252-945-9495 for info.
If you have any questions about the Mid Atlantic 12/24 please contact us at:
I can also respond to text message at the cell number below.
400 Slatestone Road, Washington, North Carolina 27889, United States